The first preparatory meeting for the XIX IBC nomenclature section was held in Chang An Grand Hotel in Shenzhen on April 24, 2014.
Attendees included Dr. John McNeill, Dr. Sandra Knapp, Dr. Karol Marhold, and Dr. Nicholas Turland from abroad and Prof. Hong-Wen Huang, Xian-Chun Zhang, Xiang-Yun Zhu, Yun-Fei Deng, Yi-Jian Yao, and many others from home. Dr. Xiao-Ming Wang, Director of Shenzhen Fairy Lake Botanical Garden, welcomed all the attendees from home and abroad in his opening address. The meeting was organized by Shenzhen Fairy Lake Botanical Garden, together with International Association of Plant Taxonomy, and Permanent Nomenclature Committees. The purpose of this meeting is to help familiarize Chinese botanists, mycologists and phycologists as to the purpose, procedures and outcomes of the Nomenclature Section of a Congress. Attendees represented members of the Permanent Nomenclature Committees, researchers having nomenclatural expertise, and delegates of Chinese institutes which had been assigned Institutional Votes for the previous Nomenclature Sections. The meeting had a general presentation session and a discussion session.
Dr. Nicholas Turland gave a sum-up speech and declared close of this one-day meeting.